Today Emily is 4 weeks old. 4 weeks ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. A baby girl with a full head of black hair, expressive eyes, perfect hands and feet, and cries that wake the dead. She is demanding and very capable of informing us what she needs. We don't make many mistakes interpreting her cries, and when we do...she tolerates it...for a second, then she starts crying again. She is also very expressive. She smiles a lot, but she also scrunches her face when something bothers her. For instance, when her diaper needs changed, she scrunches her face real tight...then SCREAMS!!!!! When she's hungry, her lower lip quivers and she does a wah wah wah WWAAAHHHH cry. She also starts rooting immediately when I pick her up and hold her to my chest.
She loves her carseat! As long as she's not hungry or in need of a diaper change, her carseat is the one place we can put her to calm her enough to least for a little bit, but trust me...15 minutes of rest is wonderful.
My milk still hasn't come in fully so the lactation consultant advised me to start drinking a cup or two of Mother's Milk tea every day and take three doses of Fenugreek every day. I'm really hoping this increases my milk supply. The breast reduction may have caused permanent low milk supply, but there is a chance my milk supply will increase with the use of these two products. If not, then she'll prescribe a medication to help increase it. If that doesn't work, then back to work I go.
It's frustrating being home and not being able to provide my daughter will all the nutrition she needs. I'm stressed out and because of that, I could be affecting my milk supply without realizing it. So...natural methods first, then chemical. ONE of them will work!!
All this writing about milk has caused me to feel a sudden tingling. It's time to prepare for nursing my beautiful baby girl.
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